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Jeff Sutherland

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

FSCAN FAQ: Why use square wave, positive DC offset rather than sine wave for Clark and Rife frequencies?

I’m getting a lot of email asking questions about the FSCAN which I mentioned in several previous postings. Since the same questions are coming from many different sources, I’m beginning to build an FSCAN Frequently Asked Questions document.

A study of the Rife literature referenced in the rifers list ( will indicate that Rife may have achieved positive results with the frequency devices he built because of harmonics in the transmission of radio frequency wave forms. Using square waves generates many harmonics which my tests indicate destroy parasites and other microorganisms more effectively than sine waves.

In the case of positive offset of the waveform, Hulda Clark has observed that this inhibits microorganisms, whereas a sine wave which goes positive and negative may actually enhance the growth of some organisms. My tests indicate that positive offset is more effective so I always use it for both Clark and Rife frequencies.

Rife frequencies, or we should say Rife/Chrane frequencies since Chrane used frequencies below 10000 HZ because of the limitations of his hardware, are no different than Clark frequencies in my view. They are clearly, at least in most cases, lower octaves of the Clark frequencies for the same organism. I use square wave DC offset for Rife frequences as well. If I do not get positive tests results with a Clark frequency and a lower octave of that frequency in the Rife range, I assume that I do not have the exact Clark frequency of the organism. This is a good check on the accuracy of the frequency being used.

I am using one of the older FSCANs depicted in the photo above with the three switches on the back to set square wave and offset. I always have the middle switch up and the other two down. The producers of the FSCAN point out that accurate square waves may not be generated at frequencies higher than 100KHZ. While that may be true, my tests indicate that better effects are achieved by setting the device for square waves in the Clark frequency range, indicating that even a crude square wave is better than none at all. When in Rife mode, I always turn amplitude full up unless it is physically uncomfortable. Higher amplitude means more power transfer and quicker effect.