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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

FSCAN FAQ: Treating Parasites

To: [email protected]

From: “jsutherland”

Date: Fri Jun 14, 2002 4:12 pm

Subject: Re: [F-Scan] Comments on FSCAN Rife/Clark frequency ranges


My standard approach at this time is to use the Aurameter to detect frequencies, treat at those frequencies, test with the Aurameter that the treatment is working, stop treating when the Aurameter indicates treatment is done, and observe that all symptomology is completely gone at end of treatment.

This works better than 95% of the time for me.

If I do not get immediate results, I will then use DIRP to identify peaks in the regions indicated by the Aurameter. I will treat at those peaks and use the Aurameter to indicate if the treatment is working. Typically, one out of several small peaks identified by the DIRP scan is the organism I am after. I rarely have any large peaks any more because I am monitoring myself on a daily basis.

As for treatment in the Rife range <10000HZ, I get the same effects. However, consistent with some of Dick Loyd's comments, if I treat in the Clark range for parasite's, I seem to get quicker effect, perhaps because the frequency is more specific. However, there is an anomaly here. Treating at one octave does not eliminate resonance at another octave according to the Aurameter. In fact, the only way I have found to completely eliminate candida from my system is to treat at all the octaves of the organism until the Aurameter indicates there is none remaining at every octave. For parasites, I have recently gone to treating in both the Clark range and the Rife range simultaneously. For example, this afternoon I had a cold cup of Starbucks mocha on my desk and took a sip. It bothered my stomach (which is not unusual for a cold cup of Starbucks). I suspected bacteria (usually there is bacteria in the milk) and tested with the Aurameter and found a parasite (I have seen some nasty parasites infections in the past from the milk in Starbucks coffee). Parasites in milk are very nasty if they have gone through the pasteurization process because heat (and a microwave) will not kill them. They have evolved heat resistance. On the other hand, this may have been passed on by a Starbucks employee and presumably be not as virulent. In any event, I want it gone now. The Aurameter immediately identified a typical four-stage parasite:
475757, 378648, 277571, 157324

I then divide by 512 to get frequencies in the Rife range:

307, 542, 740, 929

I am currently treating for 20 minutes each at:

475757, 378648, 277571, 157324, 307, 542, 740, 929

If you recall previous posts of mine on the Rifers list, the adults are at the high frequency and eggs at the low. I go down frequencies to eliminate body burden. I then go up to eliminate eggs, then larva, and then adults before they can produce more eggs.

All symptomology is gone as I write so I expect to be free of the parasite by the end of treatment. I’ve thrown away (sigh) the remains of a good cup of Starbucks mocha.

Why didn’t I use DIRP? Well in this case, my FSCAN is attached to my home computer and I am at my office some miles away. The leads to the FSCAN are running under the input wells of two BioPhoton Integrators with my photos in the output slot. I connected over the internet using to my home computer and set up the FSCAN software to run the treatment and broadcast via the BioPhoton Integrators.

This works so well and so consistently (all symptoms are gone and stay gone) that I use this approach for almost all treatment. For a really nasty infection I fire up my EM6+ and blast it locally, then use the broadcast approach to finish the job.

When I get home tonight I may hook myself up and run a DIRP scan.

Jeff Sutherland