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“Cancer Germ” Bacteria Isolated

Bacillus licheniformis in fungus-like form. Photo by Milton Wainwright

A tremendously significant finding was published in Lancet this month. What appears to be the Rife “filterable bacteria” was isolated and DNA sequenced by British researchers. Bacillus licheniformis is a pleomorphic organism that appears as rods, cocci, and fungus-like forms. Rife had a very difficult time culturing this organism in the 1920’s and people have had limited success since then, so demonstrating non-contaminated multiple forms of the same organism with exactly the same DNA sequence is a major accomplish that could end decades of controversy.

Sansom, Clare. “Cancer Germ” Bacteria Isolated. THE LANCET Oncology, Vol 4 February 2003, p. 63.

(You will need to create a free Lancet account to view this document.)

Milton Wainwright had already published data previously showing bacteria can pass through very small holes (as noted by Rife) and that this has major implications for their role as pathogens. See: Med Hypotheses 2002 Jun;58(6):558-60.

In my view, scanning and eliminating this bacterium in the general population could reduce the incidence of cancer and improve survival of cancer patients by more than 50%. This is based on my on my own research and that of hundreds of investigators trying to replicate Rife’s early work on successful treatment of cancer patients with electronic devices.

The reason this finding is extremely important is that the incidence of cancer has been increasing for the past few decades and no significant reduction in overall survival rates has been achieved since Richard Nixon launched the multi-billion dollar “war on cancer” a generation ago. My Ph.D. thesis advisor and co-author (a MacArthur Fellow and former Editor of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and statistical editor of the New England Journal of Medicine) reported no signficant increase in survival rates in cancer patients some years ago, and I don’t think things have changed much since, except for isolated cancer types.

Bailar, JC 3rd, Smith EM. Have we reduced the risk of getting cancer or of dying from cancer? An update. Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother 1987;4(3-4):193-8.

We have examined trends in cancer mortality, incidence and survival in the United States to update our earlier work and respond to criticisms. [Bailar, J.C., Smith, E.M.: New Engl. J. Med. 314, 1226 (1986).] Here we concentrate on the years 1975-1984, and show that overall cancer mortality has increased, incidence has increased and case survival is virtually unchanged. This generally unfavorable picture is scarcely changed when lung cancer is excluded from the trends. While trends for individual cancers have been mixed, overall progress in both curative treatment and prevention has been minimal. This evaluation does not deny the marked progress in treating some uncommon forms of cancer, improved palliation, reduced extent or severity of treatment, or benefits of cancer research that can be applied in other areas of medicine. While our finding of limited progress is not new, we believe that it requires increased attention in setting the course of future research initiatives, demonstration programs, medical training and clinical practice.

A key area of future research is developing the means to eliminate the Rife pathogen, now almost certainly known to be Bacillus licheniformis, and electronic medicine is the most effective means at present.