In a 5/11 posting I described exposure to the SARS virus from a coughing passenger in front of me on an airline flight from Atlanta to San Antonio. My testing indicated the virus was all over the front of my shirt, my face, and eye glasses. Simply washing of the hands, face, and eye glasses with soap removed it. The shirt I saved in a sealed plastic container in my suitcase. A week later the virus was still virilent in my bag.
Using the 33566hz frequency, I disinfected the shirt before removing it from the sealed container, then threw it into the washing machine. This experiment indicates that the virus is persistent for long periods of time on clothing.
On a further note, the virus infected my upper respiratory tract and was initially located primarily there. I began to feel chest pain in my lower lungs before I eliminated it. The Scientist commented on this in an article yesterday. I was unable to check specifically on the blood while traveling to see if it worked its way down through the lungs or passed through the bloodstream into the lower lung.
SARS unanswered questions
New York meeting explores remaining mysteries and clues about the new virus
By Catherine Zandonella, 19 May 2003, The Scientist
Scientists are still unsure how the virus gets deep into the lungs, where it causes alveolar damage that can be fatal. Most cold and flu viruses lodge in the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, sinuses, and throat. The SARS virus may lodge there and then work its way down, or it may diffuse into the bloodstream and reemerge in the lungs. If the latter is true, then blood levels of virus, or titer, could be very important in charting the course of the disease.