A new supplement to The Scientist is basic reading for anyone interested in affecting cancer with frequency devices. In particular, if you do not adopt many of the strategies outlined in these articles you will not be successful.
The Scientist
Volume 17 | Supplement 2 | September 22, 2003
Editorial | New Frontiers in Cancer Research
Preventing Cancer
The unraveling of the genetic roots of cancer highlights more controllable risk factors
Aberrant Signaling
Overlapping and interacting, the pathways that control the cell cycle can resemble a plate of spaghetti, and when dysfunctional, can lead to cancer
Dysfunctional Signaling Pathways in Cancer
The Ubiquitin System in Cancer
Is protein degradation or preservation a key to saving patients?
DNA Expression Profiling: A New Lens on Cancer
The seeds of spread may be sown early
Diagnosing Cancer: A Genomics and Proteomics Approach
Detecting tumors earlier and integrating diagnostics more closely with therapeutic decisions should improve survival
Birth of an Epithelial Cancer
The Current Status of Cancer Treatment
Targeted therapy takes hold, but mysteries of tumor susceptibility and resistance to drugs persist
Into the Future
Personalized medicine will ride a tide of precise new biomarkers and drugs
Frequency of Cancers Around the World
The 21st Century War on Cancer
Researchers look for more coordination among government, organizations, and industry