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Genetic Engineering Causes Antibiotic Resistance Pathogens

One of the primary reasons for my interest in electronic medicine is simply to protect family and friends from the day when antibiotics become useless due to ignorance, apathy, and business driven imperatives. That day may come sooner than we expect due to the way genetic engineering is done. It is not that genetic engineering is bad, it is that it is used in ways that are designed to produce antibiotic resistance strains. Charlotte Boehme reports on this in the Rife Forum.


For a long time I have been reading that somehow, genetic engineering can cause bacterial resistance to antibiotics – but never quite understood exactly how or why.  This week I came across an article that explains it quite clearly.  The problem originates in the manufacturing process and goes something like this…

– at the beginning stage of modifying the DNA of the target cells, the cells don’t easily uptake the material that the people want inserted into the genome.  The article states that “fewer than 1 in every 1000 or even 1 in every 100,000 cells is modified during the process itself.”  In

other words, it’s the exception rather than the rule when they get a “take-up” by a cell.

– in order to identify which cells had a good takeup of the genetically modified material, in most instances they include in the GM material a gene that codes for antibiotic resistance.  So not only is the desired new trait going into a cell, but also antibiotic resistance.

– initially, all the cells with or without a “take” are cultured, but the the culture media itself contains an antibiotic.  Thus the cells with no “take-up” of genetically modified material are killed off, and only the cells with a “take” survive the culture conditions.  The antibiotic provides the necessary selection for the manufacturing process.

– the antibiotic resistance gene makes its way – along with the other GM material – into the future plant material, is eaten by animals, gets into the digestive tract and perhaps other areas of the body.  The DNA for the antibiotic resistance can then be transmitted into the DNA of the bacteria within the body (this process is called “horizontal transmission” and is well-documented).  The antibiotic resistance gene(s) may also make their way into other areas of the environment.

Considering these things, one is forced to wonder whether the outbreaks of severely pathogenic bacteria in the meat supply are being supported by the presence of the antibiotic resistance gene(s) in the animals’ food supply.  And whether our policy makers are truly aware of this problem.

The entire article mentioned above by Dr. Narash Harang, is easy to understand and worth the read … with the full article being at

Charlotte Boehme

Rife Forum