Yesterday was a gorgeous day for the Boston Marathon, even though a little warm for the runners! Because it was the first really warm day in the Boston area, pollens are out in force today.
Pollen allergy symptoms can be completely eliminated by the Advanced Biophoton Analyzer (ABPA) broadcasting the correct frequencies. The allergy symptoms are caused by the pollens growing in your respiratory system and your immune system trying, but failing, to destroy them.
Hartford is one of the worst cities in the U.S. for pollens right now and I have eliminated allergy symptoms in a family member there by running an F160 as a frontend to the ABPA. The program below targets three pollens for 7 seconds each, then rests for 40 seconds, and cycles through the same sequence repeatedly.
#Hartford, CT
label start
dwell 7
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 12 1
pause 40
goto start
For Boston, I am running the following program on myself. It has completed eliminated runny nose and sneezing.
#Boston, MA
label start
dwell 7
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 12 1
445746 #updated 4/21 10am
476663 #updated 4/20 8pm
pause 40
goto start
Notice that the pollens are somewhat different in Boston and Hartford. They may change from day to day as different plants (mainly trees in spring) put out different pollens. In previous years, I have identified specific trees causing the problem at specific frequencies.
It is so easy to eliminate allergy symptoms with the ABPA that you would think everyone would have one, or rent one for the allergy season. Dale Fawcett has been educating people about the ABPA and you can reach him at (360) 598-6585 or [email protected]. All you have to loose are your sneezes!
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