Recently, I found out that some people are eliminating allergy symptoms by creating a list of all the frequencies I have posted on this web site, so I’ll try to post more often.
On Wednesday and Thursday I was in Orlando. Pollen count was low. Grass and ragweed was predominate. I began to experience mild asthma symptoms (a rare occurence for me) in the upper respiratory tract. So I put the following frequency in my Advanced Biophoton Integrator in Boston for broadcast to Orlando. It cleared it right up. I don’t think this is grass or ragweed. It is likely to be a flowering plant in the Orlando area.
label start
dwell 13
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 25 1
pause 47
goto start
I’ve found that broadcasting 7-13 seconds each minute will keep my system clear of pollens.
On Friday in Tampa, the pollen was different. Ragweed, grass, and chenopod were predominant. What I think is chenopod is causing tired and sleepy symptoms. The following frequency cleared it right up.
label start
dwell 8
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 15 1
pause 52
goto start
This pollen is killed more easily and only requires 8 seconds per minute of transmission.
On returning to Boston on Saturday, the pollen count is headed up from grass and sorrel/dock. Mild allergic symptoms appear to be sorrel. The following program takes care of it:
label start
dwell 8
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 11 1
pause 52
goto start
For those not familiar with the mechanism of allergies, the pollens are growing pathogens in your body. If your immune system can knock them out quickly, you do not have allergic symptoms. The allergic symptoms are your body’s failed attempt at killing them. In the case above, a few seconds of ABPA transmission every minute will mimic the functioning of an excellent immune system.
This is one of the best demonstrations of the effectiveness of electronic medicine. Give me a common allergic symptom and I will knock it out in 2 minutes 100% of the time. You don’t need a clinical trial to prove effectiveness when effectiveness is 100%.
Furthermore, with the ABPA you can keep the allergic symptoms knocked out while exercising as I have shown in previous postings. And when you turn the ABPA off, the allergic symptoms immediately come back, so can also easily demonstrate that Koch’s postulates are met for this process.
Click here for information on how to use an ABPA for this purpose.