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Frequency Foundation

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Most Chronic Diseases Are Related to Pathogens

Electromagnetic frequency research rapidly surfaces pathogen interaction and relation to diseases of all types. My wife never believes these findings until they are published in the New York Times and I’m told our political leaders have a similar view. So now it is real. It’s in the Times.

More Diseases Pinned on Old Culprit: Germs
By NICHOLAS BAKALAR, New York Times: May 17, 2005

Infectious disease used to be a simple matter: this germ causes that illness. Doctors just had to find the germ, kill it, and cure the disease.

But the old rules no longer apply.

Hepatitis B provokes an immune response that can cause liver failure. The virus also can promote liver cancer.

A report issued last month by the American Academy of Microbiology paints a much more complex picture of infectious disease. Germs, scientists are learning, are probably the cause of many illnesses that were never thought to be infectious, and determining exactly how a germ contributes to disease is no longer simple.

The old rules date to 1883, when the German bacteriologist Robert Koch laid down three laws – now called Koch’s postulates – that infectious disease specialists have used ever since to determine whether an organism causes a disease: The suspected germ must be consistently associated with the disease; it must be isolated from the sick person and cultured in the laboratory; and experimental inoculation with the organism must cause the symptoms of the disease to appear.

In 1905, a fourth rule was added: The organism must be isolated again from the experimental infection.

Using Koch’s postulates as a starting point, scientists figured out the cause, prevention and treatment for one infectious disease after another. In the mid-20th century, some experts began to believe that infectious disease might be permanently conquered. But microbes have been found to metamorphose into new and more destructive forms, to jump from animals to humans, to hide where they are hard to find and to resist the most powerful antibiotics available.

Moreover, said Dr. Ronald Luftig, an author of the academy’s report and a professor of microbiology at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center, “There have been a lot of chronic human illnesses thought to be genetic or environmental, but when you look at them in more detail, it turns out there’s involvement of bacteria, groups of bacteria or viruses.”