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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Acrylamide Cancer Risk: Lay Off Those Potato Chips

Microscopic examination of ulta-pure acrylamide – SNF Floeger

Acrylamide is a carcinogenic compound that appears in the process of cooking foods. A good summary of current research in countries all over the world can be found in a presentation by Tom McDonald, M.P.H., Ph.D. of the EPA Office of Environmental Health Assessment in California.

A reasonable level of exposure to this carcinogen would be a level that keeps lifetime cancer risk under 1 in 10000. The average American consumes 100 times more than that level every day. This means that one in 100 Americas will get cancer from acrylamide and it might be you. It is particularly prevalent in most potato chips.

Recently, I have been doing a lot of work in identifying frequencies that cause resonance in heavy metals. Transmitting the exact frequency using the Advanced Biophoton Integrator generates warming affects in areas of the body with the contamination which cause the toxic substance to be excreted in the urine. I have done enough work with these frequencies for many heavy metals followed by actual lab tests to confirm excretion that I am reasonable confident of my technique as an actual research protocol.

Here is a small research experiment that I did this evening. It is being followed up by a NES practitioner who is detecting acrylamide in over 90% of his clients using NES technology. He requested the electromagnetic frequency for this substance.

1. Scanning a photographic image of acrylamide with the Cameron Aurameter indicated a frequency of 76677.5.

2. I scanned myself and found no detectable acrylamide.

3. After eating some potato chips from a local restaurant, I tested positive for 76677.5 in the stomach region.

4. I applied my typical protocol for toxic materials running an F160 driving an ABPA with the appropriate frequency for 30 minutes. The program used was:

dwell 1800
duty 66.6
converge 0 0

5. When the program was done, I tested highly positive for acrylamide, but only in the bladder area.

6. After urination, I tested negative for acrylamide.

I am confident that lab scientists can duplicate this result and invite them to do so.