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Imprinting DNA on Water

Luc Montagnier experiment in New Scientist

It’s a great day for ‘Frontier Science’ Research when the Luc Montagnier experiment into teleporting DNA is reported in New Scientist!

12 January 2011 by Andy Coghlan

A Nobel prizewinner is reporting that DNA can be generated from its teleported “quantum imprint”
A STORM of scepticism has greeted experimental results emerging from the lab of a Nobel laureate which, if confirmed, would shake the foundations of several fields of science. “If the results are correct,” says theoretical chemistJeff Reimersof the University of Sydney, Australia, “these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry.”
Luc Montagnier, who shared the Nobel prize for medicine in 2008 for his part in establishing that HIV causes AIDS, says he has evidence that DNA can send spooky electromagnetic imprints of itself into distant cells and fluids. If that wasn’t heretical enough, he also suggests that enzymes can mistake the ghostly imprints for real DNA, and faithfully copy them to produce the real thing. Ineffect this would amount to a kind of quantum teleportationMovie Camera of the DNA.