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German E. Coli Incorporates Plague DNA

The Super-Rare E. Coli Sickening Germany

The Super-Rare E. Coli Sickening Germany

The E. Coli outbreak that has sickened 1,000 and killed 16 so far in northern Germany involves one of the rarest strains of the disease known to science. Originally reported to be from Spanish cucumbers, German authorities have now admitted their suspicions were wrong and they don’t know where the latest outbreak originated. But what they do know is that the strain of the disease that threatens northern Germany and greater Europe is a particularly rare and nasty one known as E. Coli O104:H21. 
The more common strain identified as E. Coli O157 affects some 70,000 people in the United States each year, causing bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and sometimes death. But its treatment and tracking is more familiar to scientists than the more aggressive and rare strain currently affecting Germany. In fact, the O104:H21 strain is so rare that leading German E. coli researcher Helge Karch had in 30 years only heard of one other outbreak of the strain, according to Der Spiegel.
On Tuesday, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that Karch had discovered that the O104:H4 bacteria responsible for the current outbreak is a so-called chimera that contains genetic materia from various E. coli bacteria. It also contains DNA sequences from plague bacteria, which makes it particularly pathogenic. There is no risk, however, that it could cause a form of plague, Karch emphasized in remarks to the newspaper.

Germany’s Superbug Weaponized With Black Plague DNA

Some alternative health news sites have been leery about posting Germany’s E. Coli outbreak as anything but an unfortunate event probably caused by the overuse of antibiotics and unsanitary factory farm conditions. That is, until evidence of a more nefarious nature emerged.
Recently, Health Ranger, Mike Adams broke news with telling evidence showing that the only plausible way this strain could be resistant to eight classes of antibiotics at the same time was through systematic manipulation. All these drugs are not used in agriculture, nor would the bacteria encounter them naturally.
But wait – it gets worse. A leading German E. coli researcher has discovered that this particular bacteria contains DNA sequences from the Bubonic Plague!
Also noteworthy, but under the radar, is that Japan experienced a similar outbreak (but with E. coli O111) resulting in two deaths as of May 11.
There are some strange and coincidental things to consider. Germany (so far anti-GMO) experienced the European Union herbal remedy ban just a couple weeks before the outbreak was detected. How on earth does historical Bubonic Plague DNA get mixed up randomly with an E. coli bacterium? And why was one of the only real cures for these victims banned in the EU January 1st of this year?

~Health Freedoms