There are 41 studies now showing flouride in water makes you stupid and damages the brains of your children. See the recent presentation by Michael Connett and the recent Flouride conference. 17 of these studies show damage at or below levels allowed in your water supply.
This, combined with fact that the flouride put in U.S. water (and banned in most other countries) is industrial waste from China often contaminated with asbestos and heavy metals makes it a publicly authorized criminal activity. Flouride in water is not food grade and would be illegal if the FDA classified it as a drug (which it is).
You are medicated against your will (which is illegal) by a known neurological poison. The supreme court of Israel banned flouride because of this. Legal actions are beginning in the U.S..
Much of the research on flouride is being carried out by the Chinese CDC because of the severe problems they have in Chinese children. They can show a clear dose response curve for children’s lower IQ with increasing flouride exposure.