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Jeff Sutherland

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FatBuster Bacteria Frequencies

Stomach bug makes food yield more calories

Mice with a hefty dose of a certain gut bacteria are fatter.
by Helen Pearson, May 26, 2006
[email protected]

Scientists have identified a key microbe in our guts that helps us glean more calories from food. The discovery backs the idea that the type of microbes in our gut help to determine how much weight we gain, and that seeding the intestine with particular bugs could help fight obesity…

The researchers took mice that had been grown in a sterile environment, with no microbes in their guts, and injected them with a very common strain of human intestinal bacteria, called Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Some of the mice also received a dose of of M. smithii.

About 100 times more microorganisms took up residence in the colon of mice injected with both B. theta and M. smithii than in those injected with B. theta alone. This suggests that the presence of waste-removing M. smithii was somehow helping other bacteria to thrive. “There’s something cool going on,” Buck says.

When both microbes were present, B. theta boosted the activity of genes involved in breaking down and metabolizing fructans a food component common in onions, wheat and asparagus that the human gut cannot digest by itself. B. theta converted the fructans into fatty acids, some of which were taken up by the mouse gut and either used as fuel or stored as fat.

In humans, around 10% of our calories come from such microbe-manufactured fatty acids. After a few weeks, mice with both types of microbe had approximately 40% more of a particular fatty acid called acetate in their blood, and carried 15% more fat.

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FatBuster Research Update: Fat Cell Apoptosis


Diet and exercise help remove fat but are not the root cause of the fat. Particularly as you get older fat accumulates in the abdomen while diet and exercise are increasingly less effective. Experimentation with fatbuster frequencies over the years has been helpful as frequencies in the 3mhz range appear to affect ribosomes that trigger fat cell death.

Recently, these frequencies have been found to be part of frequency sets for biofilms. Also the fat buildup in liposomes has bacterial infection in chronic fat tissue. The combination of precise targeting of the 3mhz frequency in the biofilm set combined with running the biofilm set at the same time works better than either one alone at dealing with fat. Biofilm frequencies are available to Frequency Research Foundation subscribers.

Fat buildup is related to disrupted hormone production in the body so a key dietary supplement, fish oil, is recommended. Carefully study of Dr. Barry Sears most recent book on “Toxic Fat Syndrome” show that factors in our food chain are systematically distorting hormone production and leading to the epidemics of diabetes and obesity. This can be the basis of a strategy to work systematically on the problem.

1. Daily work with the appropriate frequencies.

2. Balance protein and carbohydrate intake – the Zone Diet is not a diet, it is a hormone balancing system.

2. Take large amounts of molecularly distilled fish oil. Dr. Sears oil is recommended as it has synergistic natural compounds. Start with 4 grams in the morning and 4 at night to achieve the blood test results he recommends.

There are many papers in PubMed relating ribosome activity to cell apoptosis. For example:

Ribosome-inactivating protein and apoptosis: abrin causes cell death via mitochondrial pathway in Jurkat cells.

Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.

Biochemical Journal (Impact Factor: 4.65). 02/2004; 377(Pt 1):233-40. DOI: 10.1042/BJ20030797

Source: PubMed
ABSTRACT Abrin belongs to the type II family of ribosome-inactivating proteins comprising a galactose-binding B chain coupled with a toxic A chain through a single disulphide linkage. Apart from its RNA-N-glycosidase activity, another role that has been recently ascribed to abrin was the induction of apoptosis. Studies were undertaken to determine the kinetics of these two activities. In the present study, we report that the signal for apoptosis is triggered at a time point later than the inhibition of protein synthesis. This apoptotic pathway induced by abrin is caspase 3-dependent but caspase 8-independent and involves mitochondrial membrane potential damage and reactive oxygen species production. Overexpression of B-cell lymphocytic-leukaemia proto-oncogene 2 was found to block this apoptotic pathway.