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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Magnetex – Adjuvant Therapy for COVID Damage

Application of Rotating Magnetic Fields Increase the Activity of Antimicrobials Against Wound Biofilm Pathogens

Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 167 (2018) Cite this article


Infective complications are a major factor contributing to wound chronicity and can be associated with significant morbidity or mortality. Wound bacteria are protected in biofilm communities and are highly resistant to immune system components and to antimicrobials used in wound therapy.


COVID spikes have been developed in bioweapons labs and research centers in many parts of the world. Forensic analysis shows hundreds of patents over the last several decades along with many hundreds of research papers. For example, Nature Biotechnology maps the network of patents directly related to COVID vaccines.

The coronavirus spike causes significant damage to arteries along with opportunistic infections that cause immediate and long term COVID effects. With the addition of the vaccine there are even more spikes along with coagulation of the blood with can cause blood clots.

Black veins in legs that can be cleared up with Magnetex.

Frequencies can disrupt the spike proteins and associated pathogens. However, many infected individuals present with aches and pain all over the body, COVID rashes, inflamed varicose veins, COVID toes, heart disease, brain aneurisms, and so forth. Rotating magnetic fields along with vibration applied to infected areas can accelerate the destruction of spike proteins, flush out associated pathogens and biofilms and loosen up coagulated blood.

The Magnetex,org product has been useful in conjuction with frequencies assisting in long term COVID problems, particular for paint in joints and in the back, COVID rashes, and inflamed varicose veins. It is a research device so it must be used as instructed by the vendor and use is at your own risk.

Aerosol Infection by Flu Viruses

Photo by Kickstarter Michael Gilvary Sick Building Project – view here

For years Frequency Foundation has been reporting on flu virus aerosol infection. Many of these infections are caused by airborne parasites where masks can block large particles. However, for virus particles of a few microns, masks are ineffective. This came to a head in COVID when it became clear that medical scientists do not understand basic physics. See

Frequencies are mathematic data that do not lie. They are present in a building or not. Frequencies sent to the building consistently reduce infection 100% of the time. You do not need a clinical trial to show this after you do it on hundreds of buildings with 100% success (in at least reducing infection if not eliminating it).

Furthermore, if you are skeptical, it only takes a few weeks on your building to prove it either helps or does not help. The alternative is to live with the infection continuously.

Conventional flus, spread by aerosol parasites, were radically reduced during COVID with masks, despite the propaganda masks were ineffective in stopping the COVID virus. The 6 foot separation was also a myth that has been debunked in the science journals. Do your own research. There is real data out there.

Here we just want to emphasize that aerosol infection is one of the primary routes of viral infection, particularly for COVID, and buildings that are not properly ventilated with air cleaners that kill viruses become infected. There are many companies that do sick building remediation but they are expensive and your local Starbucks, Whole Foods, Home Depot, and other vendors are not using them every week. A single really sick person can infect a store that does not have air clearers and ventilation that kill viruses and other pathogens quickly.

This is why we have the “Sick Building Service” for weekly scans for $99/month. We have many individual subscribers for home that are infected as people are well aware that mold is a critical issue. When we scan buildings using the same technology we use for people we find viruses, bacteria, and many other things in addition to mold. It is so inexpensive that some of our homes use this service every month, continuously.

It is critical for health clinics and restaurants to be aware of the Sick Building Service because these are the areas that become most infected, most often, by the most people. We find the same thing in retail and wholesale stores. Clearing these buildings with frequencies not only prevents infection of customers and employees, it significantly changes the atmosphere in the store make it feel more friendly. People linger longer and buy more products as one of the largest retail furniture outlets in Hawaii discovered.

Biofilms Version 7.0

 Biofilms – Version 7.0 is the 1917 release of hundreds of biofilm programs. Thousands of updates and many more bacterial strains have been added.  Use of the new Hunter 4025 scanning technology has allowed more precise identification of specific pathogens in some cases.
Most of the 600 strains of periodontal biofilms DNA sequenced by the National Institutes of Health are now  in this series of programs. Most strains of lyme disease borrelia are included. Nanobacteria and other biofilms associated with Altzheimers can be found here. Biofilms are associated with all major disease categories. There is even a new program targets abdominal fat.
Recent research has focused on biofilm involvement in tumors. All tumors (benign and malignant) are infected with biofilms. The relationship of causation of tumors by biofilms is still being researched. It appears that many so-called Rife frequencies are really components of biofilms.
There is extensive academic research on biofilms. See Montana State University Center for Biofilm Engineering for the basics, as well as access to papers from dozens of conferences. For example, most people have biofilms forming calcification in their joints and articles. Here is a photo of such a biofilm on a grain of sand:
These biofioms are not doing your heart any good.
Most bacteria infections today are antibiotic resistant biofilms. While over 600 species of these biofilms have been DNA sequenced for periodontal disease, these gum infections are the tip of the iceberg. A huge amount of illness from joint problems to wound infections to heart disease are caused by biofilms.
During the past two years, intensive research at the Frequency Research Foundation has developed frequency sequences for about 400 biofilms. A notable finding is that radical reduction in blood pressure can be achieved by running the appropriate borrelia biofilm programs for infected individuals. All people exposed to lyme disease will need them.
January 2005, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
It has long been assumed that all chronic periodontitis is the same no matter where one lives in the world.  But some scientists have wondered whether the bacterial composition of the oral biofilm – the sticky, mat-like microbial communities that form on our teeth and cause chronic periodontitis – might vary geographically.  In the November issue of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, NIDCR grantees and their colleagues report for the first time that this is indeed the case.  In a study of more than 300 patients with chronic periodontitis from Sweden, the United States, Brazil, and Chile, they found clear geographical differences in the bacterial content of dental plaque obtained from the periodontal lesions.  To hear more about this important paper, the Inside Scoop recently talked with lead author Anne Haffajee, B.D.S., and Sigmund Socransky, D.D.S., the senior author. Both are scientists at The Forsyth Institute in Boston.


Work on biofilms is becoming as extensive as previous work on lyme disease frequencies. Daily updates indicate that they are at the root of much of heart disease, respiratory problems, joint issues, prostate problems, and tumors of all types. Recent releases added many biofilms seen with abnormal cells in cancer patients, raising the question as to whether they are involved in carcinogenesis.

There are over 600 species of periodontal biofilms that have been DNA sequenced. During the past two years, the Frequency Research Foundation has expanded detailed analysis of  frequencies for many more biofilm infections. This is the most extensive research effort since development of the lyme disease frequency sets and has involved daily analysis and update of biofilm frequencies from September 2011 until July 2013. As a result these data are the most comprehensive biofilm frequency sets available.

Some are based on the lyme borellia spirochete and cause elevated blood pressure. Others are directly related to mortality from heart disease.


Persistent Chlamydia pneumoniae infection of cardiomyocytes is correlated with fatal myocardial infarction.
Spagnoli LG, Pucci S, Bonanno E, Cassone A, Sesti F, Ciervo A, Mauriello A.

All biofilms can go systemic in the body and cause a wide variety of symptoms and disease outcomes. For the first time it is possible to work on getting rid of the root cause of gum disease and other persistent infections.

Frequencies are published as a set of over a dozen F165 program files. It is best to work on one biofilm frequency set at a time as one clinician has noted that use of these frequencies is analogous to tearing up the floorboards in your house. You never know what you are going to find underneath.

Biofilm frequencies are available to subscribers.

Lyme Disease Persisters – Borrelia

The Biofilm frequency sets include many strains of borrelia which tend to cause increased blood pressure. Heat (hot bath 119 degrees or infrared lamp) dropped blood pressure to normal. Further investigator indicated that borrelia biofilms were disabled by heat and frequency sets were developed to target these organisms. Repeated application of biofilm frequencies normalized blood pressure for short periods. Only with application of one of the antibiotics in the second paper below did blood pressure normalize for extended periods.

[trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” align=”center” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]Biofilm Frequencies – Version 6.0[/trx_button]

Lyme Disease May Linger for 1 in 5 Because of “Persisters”

By Melinda Wenner Moyer in Scientific American on September 1, 2015

Lyme disease is a truly intractable puzzle. Scientists used to consider the tick-borne infection easy to conquer: patients, diagnosed by their bull’s-eye rash, could be cured with a weeks-long course of antibiotics. But in recent decades the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has realized that up to one in five Lyme patients exhibits persistent debilitating symptoms such as fatigue and pain, known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, and no one understands why. The problem is growing. The incidence of Lyme in the U.S. has increased by about 70 percent over the past decade. Today experts estimate that at least 300,000 people in the U.S. are infected every year; in areas in the Northeast, more than half of adult black-legged ticks carry the Lyme bacterial spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. Although the issue is far from settled, new research lends support to the controversial notion that the disease lingers because these bacteria evade antibiotics—and that timing drug treatments differently could eliminate some persistent infections…

Identification of novel activity against Borrelia burgdorferi persisters using an FDA approved drug library. Jie Feng, Ting Wang, Wanliang Shi, Shuo Zhang, David Sullivan, Paul G Auwaerter and Ying Zhang. Emerging Microbes and Infections (2014) 3, e49; doi:10.1038/emi.2014.53; published online 2 July 2014

Although antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease is effective in the majority of cases, especially during the early phase of the disease, a minority of patients suffer from post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). It is unclear what mechanisms drive this problem, and although slow or ineffective killing of Borrelia burgdorferi has been suggested as an explanation, there is a lack of evidence that viable organisms are present in PTLDS. Although not a clinical surrogate, insight may be gained by examining stationary-phase in vitro Borrelia burgdorferi persisters that survive treatment with the antibiotics doxycycline and amoxicillin. To identify drug candidates that can eliminate B. burgdorferi persisters more effectively, we screened an Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug library consisting of 1524 compounds against stationary-phase B. burgdorferi by using a newly developed high throughput SYBR Green I/ propidium iodide (PI) assay. We identified 165 agents approved for use in other disease conditions that had more activity than doxycycline and amoxicillin against B. burgdorferi persisters. The top 27 drug candidates from the 165 hits were confirmed to have higher anti-persister activity than the current frontline antibiotics. Among the top 27 confirmed drug candidates from the 165 hits, daptomycin, clofazimine, carbomycin, sulfa drugs (e.g., sulfamethoxazole), and certain cephalosporins (e.g. cefoperazone) had the highest anti-persister activity. In addition, some drug candidates, such as daptomycin and clofazimine (which had the highest activity against non-growing persisters), had relatively poor activity or a high minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against growing B. burgdorferi. Our findings may have implications for the development of a more effective treatment for Lyme disease and for the relief of long-term symptoms that afflict some Lyme disease patients.

Nanobacteria Frequencies – always use when doing chelation

Research on nanobacteria has evolved over the last decade. After developing complex frequency sequences for hundreds of biofilms, a number of them are nanobacteria that increase diastolic blood pressure and are directly related to heart disease.

For the first time in over a decade I am publishing frequencies for dozens of the most common nanobacteria strains. Those with the capability of determining what frequencies are needed will find that elevated diastolic blood pressure is associated with these strains. Frequencies are available to subscribers or can be purchased individually. Click here for nanobacteria frequencies …

For diagnostics and remote transmission of frequencies you can sign up for a Photoanalysis.

Are Nanobacteria Making Us Ill?

Amit Asaravala  03.14.05 Wired 

Olavi Kajander didn’t mean to discover the mysterious particles that have been called the most primitive organisms on Earth and that could be responsible for a series of painful and sometimes fatal illnesses.
He was simply trying to find out why certain cultures of mammalian cells in his lab would die no matter how carefully he prepared them.
So the Finnish biochemist and his colleagues slipped some of their old cultures under an electron microscope one day in 1988 and took a closer look. That’s when they saw the particles. Like bacteria but an astonishing 100 times smaller, they seemed to be thriving inside the dying cells.
Believing them to be a possible new form of life, Kajander named the particles “nanobacteria,” published a paper outlining his findings and spurred one of the biggest controversies in modern microbiology.
At the heart of the debate is the question of whether nanobacteria could actually be a new form of life. To this day, critics argue that a particle just 20 to 200 nanometers in diameter can’t possibly harbor the components necessary to sustain life. The particles are also incredibly resistant to heat and other methods that would normally kill bacteria, which makes some scientists wonder if they might be an unusual form of crystal rather than organisms…

Work at Frequency Foundation has found nanobacteria directly associated with the following:

1. Elevated diastolic blood pressure.
2. Need for excessive sleep. A teenager needed 17 hours of sleep a day returned to normal within one day after applying nanobacteria frequencies.
3. Arthritis – nanobacteria is always associated with the aches and pains in joints, and probably with the deformation associated with neglecting this condition.
4. Artherosclerosis – always check the heart area with the MacArthur BioDisk
5. Immune dysfunction
6. Peanut and other allergies – a researcher in the U.K. had dark field blood microscopy that clearly showed nanobacteria in the blood. She had a life threatening peanut allergy. When the nanobacteria was removed the peanut allergy was almost completely eliminated. She needed no medication after eating peanuts. (Do not try this at home!)
7. Herxheimer effects from chelation therapy – chelation eliminates calcium from the system and releases nanobacteria. Frequencies should always be used in conjunction with chelation therapy.

New supplements for oral chelation using nanotechnology provide results equivalent to IV chelation and Nanobac is particularly effective at eliminating nanobacteria when running frequencies.

Watch Out for Those Blood Pressure Medications

People with mild high blood pressure prescribed drugs they don’t need

Around half of people with high blood pressure (hypertension) are being given drugs they don’t need, and which won’t reduce the risk of heart disease or even death.
Their hypertension is mild, and it doesn’t need to be managed by antihypertensive drugs, say experts.  It’s never been proven the drugs reduce the risk of heart disease or death, and yet they cost health services around the world enormous sums.  In the US, prescribing the drugs for mild cases costs around $32bn a year, which represents a third of the nation’s total expenditure on public health.
The drugs also increase the risk of adverse events, such as falls, and stop people from adopting healthier lifestyles, such as better diet, exercise and weight loss, all of which can help reduce blood pressure.
Around 40 per cent of adults have hypertension, and half of these have a mild form of the condition, which doesn’t need drug therapy.
The researchers believe antihypertensives for mild hypertension is another example of ‘over-medicalization’, and they urge doctors to be more honest with patients, and explain the limitation of the drugs.
(Source: British Medical Journal, 2014; 349: g5432)
High blood pressure in many cases is caused by biofilm infections, often from lyme disease (systolic pressure) and nanobacteria (diastolic). When this is the case the right frequencies available to subscribers knock it down immediately to typically 110/70. 
What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the best magazines on today’s medicine. It is published by the well know author, Lynn McTaggert. The pharmeceutical companies are keeping it out of many stores so they need online subscriptions. Highly recommended.

Swine Flu 2014 Release 2.1

Flu Predictor

This release incorporates dozens of updates and two nasty pathogens that have been recently found circulating with the 2014 swine flu. The flu circulating in the spring of 2014 has a long term persistent cough that can be quite debilitating and the flu season is lingering in many areas of the country.

The first new pathogen is HHV-6A which circulated with the 2010 swine flu and is back again. The second is a biofilm which infects joints and causes knee problems in some clients.

Watch out for coinfections from other biofilms, tuberculosis, or malaria. These in combination with the flu can be seriously debilitating and are more common than you might think due to global air travel.

The new Flu Predictor has been developed at Columbia University is useful for seeing the projected trend of flu infections in your area. See Flu Predictor news.

All frequencies are available to subscribers.

Cancer is Always Associated with Viral and Bacterial Infections

How infection can lead to cancer

Anne Trafton, MIT News Office
How infection can lead to cancer

Endoscopic biopsy showing granulomatous inflammation of the colon in a case of Crohn’s disease.
June 11, 2012

One of the biggest risk factors for liver, colon or stomach cancer is chronic inflammation of those organs, often caused by viral or bacterial infections. A new study from MIT 
offers the most comprehensive look yet at how such infections provoke tissues into becoming cancerous.

The study, which is appearing in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the week of June 11, tracked a variety of genetic and chemical changes in the livers and colons of mice infected with Helicobacter hepaticus, a bacterium similar to Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers and cancer in humans.

At the Frequency Research Foundation we have always found viruses associated with cancer and recent research on biofilms shows that they are always associated with cancer as well. NIH did DNA sequencing studies on over 600 biofilm species associated with gum disease. Over the last two years we have developed frequency sets for over 400 biofilm species and these frequencies are updated daily and available to Frequency Foundation Subscribers (see Paypal button on right).

See also Helicobacter pylori evolution during progression from chronic atrophic gastritis to gastric cancer and its impact on gastric stem cells

British Medical Journal Reports Cholesterol is Not the Issue, Low Saturated Fat is the Problem


From the Heart

Saturated fat is not the major issue

BMJ 2013; 347 doi: (Published 22 October 2013)

Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f6340
        Aseem Malhotra, interventional cardiology specialist registrar, Croydon University Hospital, London
      Let’s bust the myth of its role in heart disease
      Scientists universally accept that trans fats—found in many fast foods, bakery products, and margarines—increase the risk of cardiovascular disease through inflammatory processes. But “saturated fat” is another story. The mantra that saturated fat must be removed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease has dominated dietary advice and guidelines for almost four decades.
      Yet scientific evidence shows that this advice has, paradoxically, increased our cardiovascular risks. Furthermore, the government’s obsession with levels of total cholesterol, which has led to the overmedication of millions of people with statins, has diverted our attention from the more egregious risk factor of atherogenic dyslipidaemia.
      Saturated fat has been demonised ever since Ancel Keys’s landmark “seven countries” study in 1970. This concluded that a correlation existed between the incidence of coronary heart disease and total cholesterol concentrations, which then correlated with the proportion of energy provided by saturated fat. But correlation is not causation. Nevertheless, we were advised to cut fat intake to 30% of total energy and saturated fat to 10%.” The aspect of dietary saturated fat that is believed to have the greatest influence on cardiovascular risk is elevated concentrations of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Yet the reduction in LDL cholesterol from reducing saturated fat intake seems to be specific to large, buoyant (type A) LDL particles, when in fact it is the small, dense (type B) particles (responsive …
      As a medical school professor, I never bought in to the low fat myth. After decades of frequency work, I have concluded that my cholesterol which tends to be high is cause by infection induced inflammation by parasites circulating particularly with the swine flu, but even more important by biofilms which start in the gums and then spread throughout the body. The relation of biofilms to heart disease has been reported in a previous blog posting.
      The Frequency Research Foundation has developed frequency sequences for almost 400 strains of periodontal biofilms. Over 600 strains have been DNA sequenced at the National Institute of Health. A large number of these strains are borrelia based lyme pathogens found in persons exposed to lyme organisms. These tend to cause high blood pressure as well as elevated cholesterol.

      Biofioms: Only Frequencies Can Eliminate Them

      Bacterial communities just like these thrive on your gums and teeth (and everyone else’s too).
      By Ronald Ordinola Zapata (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

      Engineering Biofilms – ResearchPennState
      Understanding how bacteria function in communities could lead to a host of new applications.
      “Anywhere there’s a surface and water in the liquid state,” Tom Wood confirms, “you’re going to have biofilms.”
      In riverbeds and showerheads. On the hulls of ships and inside pipelines. On contact lenses and joint prostheses and the gleaming white surfaces of your teeth. Biofilms, says Wood, professor of chemical engineering and biochemistry at Penn State, “are communities of bacteria that have the ability to cement themselves to a solid surface, and then—if you picture them in a river, say—rather than going with the flow they anchor down to a rock, and as the river goes by they get the nutrients they need and they’re able to thrive.”
      “Communities” is the operative word. The biofilm that coats your teeth harbors more than 300 species of bacteria, working in concert. Most of these microbes either do no harm or are actually beneficial, but the few bad actors can saddle you with tooth decay and gum disease.
      Biofilms cause corrosion, a huge economic drain on industry and infrastructure, and are also increasingly recognized as a leading culprit in chronic disease, from childhood middle-ear infections to cystic fibrosis. Hospital infections are largely due to their ubiquitous presence.
      “In joint replacement surgery,” Wood says, “if an infection takes hold, there’s no drug they can add to get rid of it. They have to go back in, take out the original prosthesis, and put another one in—and hope the same thing doesn’t happen all over again.” Over 65 percent of all microbial infections are attributable to biofilms, according to the National Institutes of Health.
      These complex microbial communities, in short, cause a variety of problems, both inside the human body and out. But they also have the potential to do great good, from wastewater treatment to oil-spill clean-up to producing alternative fuels—if their biochemistry can be controlled. Wood believes that it can.
      “The whole idea of my lab,” he says, “is that if we can understand the genetic basis of biofilm formation, then we can either get rid of a biofilm, or promote it to do whatever we want.”
      Sleeper Cells
      The Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek first noticed biofilms back in 1683. When placing a scraping of plaque from his own teeth under one of his first-generation microscopes, he spotted a host of “very little living animalcules, very prettily a-moving.” For most of the next 300 years, however, biofilms were largely ignored, as microbiology focused on individual organisms in their free-floating, or planktonic, state.
      “But bacteria do have this desire to hunker down and form an attachment to a solid surface,” Wood says. “That’s the way they are in nature, primarily—living in communities. Over the last couple of decades, scientists have started to look at that state, and there’s been an exponential increase in biofilm literature and studies. There’s now even a mouthwash that talks about including anti-biofilm compounds—so the public’s waking up to it, too.”
      Living in communities, bacteria are much hardier than when floating around free. They’re far more resistant to antibiotics—up to a thousand times more resistant, according to common estimates. “They’re much harder to kill,” Wood acknowledges, “but they’re even trickier than that.” Standard antibiotic treatments, he notes, target bacteria that are growing, dividing, evolving. “But in a biofilm, up to 10 percent of the population is not actively metabolizing.”
      Under antibiotic attack, Wood explains, these bacteria in effect “put themselves to sleep” to avoid destruction. “If a cell is asleep, not dividing, the antibiotic has no effect,” he says. Then, when the coast is clear and the drug has run its course, these sleeper cells have the ability to wake themselves up and kick off a whole new infection.
      Appropriately, they’re called persisters. Their discovery is fairly recent, and when and how they work are hot topics among researchers of infectious disease. “What’s really fascinating to me,” Wood says, “is that they don’t undergo genetic change at all. There’s no mutations, no change in the DNA. It’s the opposite of building up genetic resistance.”

      For the full article click here …

      Periodontal Biofilm Frequencies
      Frequency Foundation subscribers have access to an extensive set of biofilm frequencies directed at gum disease. The organisms can travel throughout the body and cause heart disease, joint problems, digestive issues, and many other problems.