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Frequency Foundation

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Lengthen Your Telomeres – The Biggest Antiaging Breakthrough in the Last Decade

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009 was awarded jointly to Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak “for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase”.
In October 2016 I visited Dr. Grossman’s lab to get telomere lengths tested. A telomerase program I developed was running for several weeks prior to the visit. More later when I get lab tests back.
In 2016, Dr. Grossman recommends a new supplement TeloSC from MaxLife Solution as the best and least expensive option that provides stem cell support as well as telomere enhancement.

When I visited Dr. Grossman’s medical clinic in 2012 extensive testing determined that my biological age was 27 years younger than my calendar age. I asked Dr. Grossman what the biggest breakthrough was in antiaging since my previous visit 6 years earlier. He said TA65, a supplement that costs $500 a bottle.Dr. Al Sears put me on to TA65 years earlier and he has been working on a supplement that costs less than half as much that works a lot better. Lengthening your telomeres could improve your health and performance and give you another 20 years on your life which is long enough to capture the next wave of longevity technology. See Kurzweil and Grossman’s book, Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. But first, let’s look at the Genetic Learning Center at the University of Utah and learn a little bit about why telomeres are so important.

Fluorescence-stained chromosomes (red) on a microscope slide.
Telomeres (yellow) sit at the ends of each chromosome.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Robert Moyzis, UC Irvine, US Human Genome Program

Inside the nucleus of a cell, our genes are arranged along twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and hold some secrets to how we age and get cancer.
Telomeres have been compared with the plastic tips on shoelaces, because they keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking to each other, which would destroy or scramble an organism’s genetic information.
Yet, each time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide; it becomes inactive or “senescent” or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. So telomeres also have been compared with a bomb fuse. For more see Learn Genetics …

I’ve been working with Dr. Al Sears new supplement Telo-Essence II for the past couple of months. He claims it is 100 times better than the TA65 which I have been taking for several years. What I can report is that it has a significantly bigger impact on energy level and physical performance.

For me, the number one antiaging strategy today, based on Nobel Prize level research is lengthening your telomeres and Dr. Sears has got this figured out. You can get Telo-Essence II here. You will need to scroll down when you reach the link. I continue to use this in conjunction with TeloSC.


Sugar in Soda Shortens Teomeres

 2014 Dec;104(12):2425-31. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302151. Epub 2014 Oct 16.

Soda and cell aging: associations between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and leukocyte telomere length in healthy adults from the national health and nutrition examination surveys.


Objectives. We tested whether leukocyte telomere length maintenance, which underlies healthy cellular aging, provides a link between sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption and the risk of cardiometabolic disease. Methods. We examined cross-sectional associations between the consumption of SSBs, diet soda, and fruit juice and telomere length in a nationally representative sample of healthy adults. The study population included 5309 US adults, aged 20 to 65 years, with no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, from the 1999 to 2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Leukocyte telomere length was assayed from DNA specimens. Diet was assessed using 24-hour dietary recalls. Associations were examined using multivariate linear regression for the outcome of log-transformed telomere length. Results. After adjustment for sociodemographic and health-related characteristics, sugar-sweetened soda consumption was associated with shorter telomeres (b = -0.010; 95% confidence interval [CI] = -0.020, -0.001; P = .04). Consumption of 100% fruit juice was marginally associated with longer telomeres (b = 0.016; 95% CI = -0.000, 0.033; P = .05). No significant associations were observed between consumption of diet sodas or noncarbonated SSBs and telomere length. Conclusions. Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence metabolic disease development through accelerated cell aging.

Genetic Risk Factors for Autism

Patrick Bolton and Hilgo Bruining on connecting genetic risk factors to specific symptoms in autism

Posted by Biome on 24th February 2014 –  0 Comments

Genome wide association studies, genetic epidemiological investigations and numerous gene sequencing approaches have led to a growing appreciation of a genetic component to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Genetic variations have consequently been linked to a broad spectrum of behavioural symptoms that fall within the classification of ASD. However, for the large part, these risk factors have not been correlated with specific symptomatology. Such a correlation might be important to dissect the heterogeneity of ASD, which is urgently needed to develop more targeted treatment possibilities. In a recent study in Molecular Autism, Patrick Bolton from King’s College London, UK, Hilgo Bruining from the Brain Centre Rudolf Magnus, the Netherlands, and colleagues, investigate the genetics of ASD with a view to determining whether specific behavioural signatures can indeed be linked to certain genetic traits. Bolton and Bruining explain how they were able to discern behavioural symptoms unique to specific genetic disorders that are known to carry an increased risk for ASD, and moreover discuss how this machine-learning approach could be applied to idiopathic ASD.
Frequency Research Foundation has reported previously that about half the population has mercury, flouride, and measles virus in the brain along with other viruses and heavy metals. See:

However, only a subset of these people are autistic and they have particular problems with the measles virus in the intestinal tract along with heavy concentrations of mercury in the brain. This suggests genetic factors that disrupt the elimination of mercury and make the intestinal tract susceptible to the measles virus. Thus this latest research is of interest because it shows a genetic predisposition to autism.

Business as Usual: FDA Prevents Citizens from Analyzing Their Own DNA

On November 22, the FDA sent a warning letter to to stop its inexpensive ($99 per test) “do-it-yourself” genetic testing service for health screening and ancestry purposes, because consumers could be “misled” and harm themselves by “self-treating.” For example, the FDA posits that an individual who learns they have a predilection for cancer would, as a result, undergo unnecessary preventive surgery, chemotherapy, and other “morbidity-inducing actions.”
The FDA’s argument is, quite clearly, a straw man: of course patients have to obtain medical advice before making major health decisions—it’s not as if consumers can go under the knife without significant medical consultation! The FDA’s true message is clear: because individuals can’t be trusted to make sound health decisions, they don’t have a right to private information on their own DNA.
It’s also worth noting that FDA action against 23andMe was sparked, in part, by a complaint by UnitedHealth Group, the largest publicly traded health insurer. UnitedHealth isn’t exactly an unbiased observer—they want access to information about your DNA. After all, if individuals were allowed to keep their DNA test data private, they wouldn’t have to share their results with insurers who, for example, could use an inherited health risk to deny insurance or charge exorbitant rates.
The FDA’s stance on DIY genetic testing could very well drive up healthcare costs. Besides premiums being raised on those forced to report DNA results to insurance companies, in-office testing is far more expensive. As tests are priced anywhere from $300 to $3,500, this could significantly add to the overall cost of healthcare.——-
This, of course, should be unconstitutional. However, violation of citizen’s right has become the norm due to special interest groups.As Harvard Business Review points out, the healthcare system is in need of total disruption as it suppresses innovation that causing increased deaths in the population. This is one of the reasons that the U.S. healthcare system is number 38 in the world, roughly equivalent to some developing nations. Yet many of our citizens think U.S. healthcare is the best in the world because we spend more money per capita on healthcare than any other nation.
UPDATE: In 2024 the U.S. healthcare system is 113th in the world and the most expensive! The information below is Wikipedia’s outdated data.

1 France France 4
2 Italy Italy 11
3 San Marino San Marino 21
4  Andorra 23
5  Malta 37
6 Singapore Singapore 38
7 Spain Spain 24
8 Oman Oman 62
9  Austria 6
10 Japan Japan 13
11  Norway 16
12 Portugal Portugal 27
13  Monaco 12
14  Greece 30
15 Iceland Iceland 14
16  Luxembourg 5
17 Netherlands Netherlands 9
18 United Kingdom United Kingdom 26
19 Republic of Ireland Ireland 25
20 Switzerland Switzerland 2
21  Belgium 15
22 Colombia Colombia 49
23 Sweden Sweden 7
24 Cyprus Cyprus 39
25 Germany Germany 3
26 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 63
27 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 35
28 Israel Israel 19
29 Morocco Morocco 99
30 Canada Canada 10
31 Finland Finland 18
32 Australia Australia 17
33  Chile 44
34 Argentina Argentina 15
35  Denmark 8
36  Dominica 70
37 Costa Rica Costa Rica 50
38 United States United States 1

The United States’ healthcare system, in terms of outcomes, does not fare well compared to other countries, especially considering the amount it spends on healthcare. As of 2024, the U.S. is ranked 113th globally in healthcare outcomes, according to the World Population Review. This ranking places the U.S. behind many other countries, despite its high expenditure on healthcare per capita.

In terms of specific health outcomes, while the U.S. has some strengths, such as lower 30-day mortality rates for strokes compared to average rates in similar countries, it faces significant challenges in other areas. For example, the U.S. has a high maternal mortality rate, which is the highest among comparable countries. Moreover, hospital admission rates for conditions like congestive heart failure and diabetes are higher in the U.S. than the average across similar countries, indicating potential issues in preventive care.

The U.S. healthcare system ranks last among high-income countries, as reported by JAMA Network. This ranking reflects various factors, including healthcare quality, safety, delivery models, and health disparities.

Another critical aspect of the U.S. healthcare system is its high spending compared to other wealthy countries. In 2022, the U.S. spent approximately $12,555 per person on healthcare, which is significantly higher than the spending in other wealthy OECD countries. Despite this high spending, the health outcomes in the U.S. are generally not better than those in other developed countries. The U.S. performs worse in several common health metrics, including life expectancy, infant mortality, and unmanaged diabetes.

Do your own research. Ask Bard, chatGPT, and other AI to analyze healthcare status for you. Educate yourself.

Imprinting DNA on Water

Luc Montagnier experiment in New Scientist

It’s a great day for ‘Frontier Science’ Research when the Luc Montagnier experiment into teleporting DNA is reported in New Scientist!

12 January 2011 by Andy Coghlan

A Nobel prizewinner is reporting that DNA can be generated from its teleported “quantum imprint”
A STORM of scepticism has greeted experimental results emerging from the lab of a Nobel laureate which, if confirmed, would shake the foundations of several fields of science. “If the results are correct,” says theoretical chemistJeff Reimersof the University of Sydney, Australia, “these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry.”
Luc Montagnier, who shared the Nobel prize for medicine in 2008 for his part in establishing that HIV causes AIDS, says he has evidence that DNA can send spooky electromagnetic imprints of itself into distant cells and fluids. If that wasn’t heretical enough, he also suggests that enzymes can mistake the ghostly imprints for real DNA, and faithfully copy them to produce the real thing. Ineffect this would amount to a kind of quantum teleportationMovie Camera of the DNA.