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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Latest Update: Frequency Foundation Seminar 16-17 July 2011 San Diego

In preparation for the July seminar, several participants have asked about hardware setups for maximum health benefits.

Frequency Foundation does not make or sell any hardware. However we use the best hardware available from around the world. We are regularly working with some of the leading inventors and innovators in the field and the modify, enhance, or even create total new devices based on your and our needs.

The latest setup available for frequency work uses the following technologies:

1. Cameron Aurameter (kinethesiology is used for frequency identification)
    Available from Bill Cox as
2. F165 (for most people) and F175 (for programmers and encrypted applications)
    Available from Dale Fawcett (see contact information below)
3. Harmony Evolution Chip
    Available on this web site and increases effectiveness by a factor of 25
4. The new SG-1 (upgrade from SC-1) and at least five times as effective
    Available from Dale Fawcett (see contact information below)
5. DMI for use with high resolution digital photos
    Available from Dale Fawcett (see contact information below)
6. ABPA (alternative to SG-1)
    The ABPA has many others applications other than frequency work.
    It requires a special adaptor to connect to frequency devices and a green antennae board.
    The DMI is inserted into the ABPA for digital photo work.
    Available from Dale Fawcett (see contact information below)

The best setup for frequency work uses an F165/Harmony Evolution Chip/DMI/ SG-1. The geometry of the setup is critical. Frequency Foundation subscribers are regularly provided detailed information on this. The photo below shows the configuration of the Harmony Evolution Chip/DMI/SG-1. For more detail subscribe to Frequency Foundation for access to frequencies and technology descriptions.

Experienced seminar attendees may want to experiment with the Cameron Aurameter and this hardware configuration before the seminar as we will go over in detail. Others will be able to see how to work with frequency and other healthcare equipment at the seminar.

Exciting News for Dr. Sutherland’s Frequency Foundation Seminar, July 16-17

Thank you to those who’ve already enrolled for our most advanced Dr. Sutherland Workshop EVER on July 16 and 17th!
Even if you’re only considering coming to our San Diego Workshop, please call the lovely Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina SOON before our room block is sold out. It costs you nothing to reserve one of these lovely harbor view rooms for $129/night! Hotel contact info is located below. This is truly a super hotel with jogging paths, pools, restaurants, Starbucks, and more! Consider bringing your familiy and making it a really nice vacation!

Sheraton San Diego
Hotel & Marina
1380 Harbor Island Drive
San Diego, California 92101
P: (877) 734-2726
For the best rate & to honor our room block, please tell them you’re with Dr. Sutherland’s Frequency Foundation Workshop.
Comments from attendees who came to our last conference:
  • “Best workshop ever;”
  • “I’m finally able to find my own frequencies;”
  • “The workshop was amazing! Thank you for showing us all the great business applications!”
Dr. Sutherland is flying in early if you wish a Private Session with him on Friday, July 15th. Carol will also be booking privates that day for those who are familiar with her work. Please book soon or call for more information as over 50% of Dr. Jeff’s slots are filled. 

Below are some of the new applications you will learn (and we are still taking requests from you):

  1. Most advanced F-165 programming ever — so you can practice using Jeff’s research;
  2. More practical AuraMeter breakout sessions than we’ve ever done;
  3. Introducing new equipment that will revolutionize frequency research!
  4. Fine tune, optimize, and operate your Remote Lab using a laptop from anywhere;
  5. New ways to detox radiation and other pollutants;
  6. New ways to increase business revenue from those that have already done it!
  7. Guest speaker with hair raising research you will want to hear to be announced soon!
If you have any requests for future topics or locations, NOW is your chance to email Dr. Sutherland or Dale Fawcett and let us know what you’d like to see. We CAN promise exciting new research equipment that Jeff briefly discussed in Kauai for the first time that will revolutionize this work completely. We WILL have to limit attendance so that everyone will have the education and research experience they desire.

Remember — these workshops are custom designed for you by Dr. Sutherland so we appreciate your comments and suggestions! Please contact Dale at (360) 598-6585 or [email protected] for more information or to ensure your place. The time to ask questions is now!

If you think you’d like to join us in San Diego, please reserve your spot sooner than later; the conference and private sessions fill quickly!

To subscribe to Dr. Sutherland’s newsletter & frequency sets, please go to:
Click on Frequency Subscription.

Let’s make 2011 the best year yet!
Dale & Carol

Next Frequency Foundation Workshop: San Diego 16-17 July 2011

Frequency Foundation Workshop was a BIG Hit in Kauai and San Diego is filling up for weekend of July 16th. We need your suggestions please!
Thank you to all who came to Kauai for our most advanced class EVER!  Comments from attendees who came: 
1. “Best workshop ever–thank you!”
2. “I’m finally able to find frequencies & make my own programs.” 
3. “I’ve learned business applications I never dreamed of!”  
We had many people who couldn’t come to Kauai to kick off the New Year with us who’ve asked for another conference either in Las Vegas or San Diego. We’ve decided on San Diego and will offer even more surprises and training this coming July 16th and 17th, 2011. We’ll have the hotel soon as we find a great deal for our group…it may even be the world famous Hotel Del Coronado or close by.  
If you have any request for further training topics NOW is your chance to e-mail Dr. Jeff Sutherland or Dale Fawcett and let us know what you’d like to see. We can promise new research equipment that Jeff briefly discussed in Kauai for the 1st time that will revolutionize this work completely.  We will have to limit attendance so that everyone will have the education/research experience they desire.  We have 18 people registered now, so time is of the essence. Please call Dale at 360-598-6585 soon if you wish to attend. Remember all of these workshops are custom designed for you by Jeff so we appreciate your kind comments and suggestions.
Dale Fawcett
Jeff Sutherland
360 598-6585 Dale’s office

Frequency Workshop Kauai Next Week!

Thanks to all of you joining Jeff Sutherland in Paradise with us on Jan 2-3, 2011. What a great way to start the new year!

There are still openings for last minute researchers, if you call soon. We will have some very advanced research announcements in Kauai–as usual you will be on the cutting edge. Also, we’ve had many requests for a mainland Workshop in July either in San Diego or Vegas.

If you have a preference in location for the mainland workshop now is your chance to let us know.  Send your requests to [email protected], [email protected] or call: 360 598-6585. Your request for content is also appreciated and honored.

Dale & Carol

Kauai Workshop Agenda – 2-3 Jan 2011

I’ll be talking about my lab setup in Kauai and showing how to use it for frequency transmission. We have created a smaller, cheaper, and more powerful lab system over the years. The basic components consist of an F165 frequency generator that is run by a laptop computer. The reference frequency generator is used by the leading Rife machine manufacturers and puts out three channels of clean signals from 0-50 million hertz. I use the entire frequency range to get quicker and more comprehensive results compared to low frequency devices.

The computer is attached to a DMI device placed on top of the SC-1A scalar wave generator. The DMI allows high resolution digital photos to be used for frequency transmission. The DMI is a very sophisticated enhancement of ABPA technologies which were formerly dependent on Polaroid photos.

Not shown is a Harmony Evolution chip which is placed under the DMI on top of the SC-1A. This improves the effectiveness of the frequencies by more than an order of magnitude.

This simple setup is the basic component for my laboratories. I run up to ten F165 devices attached to a single computer. Each F165 has two SC-1 devices that allow transmission of frequencies to multiple targets.

We will also discuss several technologies that you can use in combination with this lab to improve general health and well being.

Let us know if you wish to join us on Kauai at the Aloha Beach Resort on Jan. 2nd and 3rd for an advanced frequency seminar with private meetings with Jeff and/or Carol on Jan. 4th and 5th. Your requests for content is appreciated and honored.
Email Jeff or Dale and Carol with any questions: [email protected], [email protected] or call: 360 598-6585.

Kauai Frequency Workshop 2-3 Jan 2011 plus private sessions

For all of you asking about joining Jeff Sutherland in Paradise over New Years!
Send us your feedback–this workshop is for you!

Take a break from the winter cold and join Jeff Sutherland in Kauai over New Years! Since we keep getting asked ‘When are we going back to Kauai?” we’ve decided to honor your request with Dr. Sutherland’s next Frequency Workshop in Paradise. Please e-mail Jeff or Dale & Carol soon if you’d like to join us or have any questions or feedback.

Let us know if you wish to join us on the lovely island of Kauai at the Aloha Beach Resort on Jan. 2nd and 3rd for an advanced frequency seminar with private meetings with Jeff and/or Carol on Jan. 4th and 5th. Even if you prefer another location in the future your feedback is vital to Jeff’s Frequency Foundation Workshops! Your requests for content is also appreciated and honored.

Email Jeff or Dale & Carol ASAP with any questions: [email protected], [email protected] or call: 360 598-6585

Dale & Carol

Frequency Foundation Workshop – Las Vegas 10-11 July 2010

Our Vegas Frequency Foundation Workshop on July 10th & 11th is filling fast. Thanks to everyone who’s given us their feedback so far. We’ve added many new topics you requested such as: “What local recession? How to set up a Global Remote Business right NOW!  A new paradigm for your future economic success.”  Call us today to check it out and before all the $59 suites are gone!

Come to this unique and exciting workshop in futuristic self-care (pet care and more) and see for yourself why Dr. Nenah Sylver—who plan to be at the workshop and is author of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy, with a Holistic Health Primer (2009)—says: “I have used Jeff Sutherland’s services for many years, sometimes for myself but mostly for my beloved dog. Jeff’s scientific knowledge and finely honed intuition helped me nurse her through cancer and Lyme-related infections, extending her life I would estimate by about six years.” Dr. Sylver will be having a book signing at the workshop.

NEWLY ADDED:  At your request, we’re adding a NEW segment to the workshop to fit these economic times:  How to develop and generate income OUTSIDE of your brick and mortar business from anywhere in the world!  Not only remote clients but we’ll show you how we helped other workshop attendees create frequency-based products you may never have dreamed of–so go ahead and bring your dreams with you!  We’ll give you tools to develop a potentially healthy business income in ANY economy anywhere on earth.

Come join us and guest speakers, including Dr. Alan Back, for the most cutting-edge frequency research workshop ever and another guest speaker that will amaze you.  Attendees of the Frequency Foundation Workshops are put at the top of a large and growing list of inventors and researchers that wish to make this a far better world.  We are always interested in the best!

New Testimony:

“After attending Dr. Sutherland’s last workshop in Kauai and learning about his remote lab set-up, I was able to eradicate my cat’s bladder infection in two days! I’m so thrilled to have saved hundreds of dollars on vet bills and to have saved my precious Teddy Bear from the trauma of needles and antibiotics! Thank you, Dr. Jeff, for bringing this technology to the world and making your system duplicatable for the average person.” C.F., Washington

            1.  Please call reservations at the resort (800)582-2228 (in the Continental United States) or (702)796-3322.
            2.  Please ask for reservations.
            3.  Please ask the reservations for the group block Dr. Sutherland’s Frequency Foundation.  

All individuals will be responsible for their own suite, tax and incidental charges.  The Alexis Resort requires a deposit equal to one (1) night’s room and tax in order to confirm reservations on a definite basis.
Any questions, please email Dale at [email protected] or call us at 360-598-6585.

Below are some of the many great comments from our last Kauai Frequency Foundation Workshop. Please e-mail Dale ([email protected]) ASAP for details for the Vegas workshop. Seating will be limited. Please include your comments as to what you wish to learn as this workshop is custom made for you. Remember to include your phone number.

‘Kauai was hands down the BEST Dr. Jeff Sutherland workshop ever! I have been to several past workshops that Jeff and Dale have put together. Dr Jeff and Dale consistently surprise me by introducing the latest information on frequency medicine. The laboratory techniques and experimental data you share with us are simply wonderful. Thank you Jeff, Dale & Carol for an experience of a life time. Please let me know when another one is taking place I’m coming with bells on. I believe you mentioned the possibly of July 10th and 11th in either Vegas or San Diego? John Jacobs, Ph.D.

William Snow Ph.D. said…

Dr John is absolutely correct. We were at the workshop in Kauai also and it was the best yet! See you all in July. William Snow Ph.D.