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Jeff Sutherland

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Real Science: Using Ultrasound to Kill Cancer

The leading physics labs are publishing papers on using frequencies to kill cancer. Here are two from Cal Tech and Cold Springs National Laboratory. These studies are published in the leading physics journals, not the medical journals. It will be decades before the average physician takes advantage of this.

A Dynamical Model of Oncotripsy by Mechanical Cell Fatigue: Selective Cancer Cell Ablation by Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS)

E. F. SchibberD. R. MittelsteinM. GharibM. G. ShapiroP. P. LeeM. Ortiz (Submitted on 27 Nov 2019)

The method of oncotripsy, first proposed in [S. Heyden and M. Ortiz (2016). Oncotripsy: Targeting cancer cells selectively via resonant harmonic excitation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 92:164-175], exploits aberrations in the material properties and morphology of cancerous cells in order to ablate them selectively by means of tuned low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS). We propose a dynamical model of oncotripsy that follows as an application of cell dynamics, statistical mechanical theory of network elasticity and ‘birth-death’ kinetics to describe processes of damage and repair of the cytoskeleton. We also develop a reduced dynamical model that approximates the three-dimensional dynamics of the cell and facilitates parametric studies, including sensitivity analysis and process optimization. We show that the dynamical model predicts—and provides a conceptual basis for understanding—the oncotripsy effect and other trends in the data of [D. R. Mittelstein, J. Ye, E. F. Schibber, A. Roychoudhury, L. T. Martinez, M. H. Fekrazad, M. Ortiz, P. P. Lee, M. G. Shapiro, M. Gharib (2019). Selective Ablation of Cancer Cells with Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound. BioRxiv] for cells in suspension, including the dependence of cell-death curves on cell and process parameters.

Selective Ablation of Cancer Cells with Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound

David R. Mittelstein,  Jian Ye, Erika F. Schibber, Ankita Roychoudhury, Leyre Troyas Martinez, M. Houman Fekrazad, Michael Ortiz, Peter P. Lee,  Mikhail G. Shapiro,  Morteza Gharib
doi: published in Applied Physics Letters doi: 10.1063/1.5128627

Ultrasound can be focused into deep tissues with millimeter precision to perform non-invasive ablative therapy for diseases such as cancer. In most cases, this ablation uses high intensity ultrasound to deposit non-selective thermal or mechanical energy at the ultrasound focus, damaging both healthy bystander tissue and cancer cells. Here we describe an alternative low intensity pulsed ultrasound approach that leverages the distinct mechanical properties of neoplastic cells to achieve inherent cancer selectivity. We show that when applied at a specific frequency and pulse duration, focused ultrasound selectively disrupts a panel of breast, colon, and leukemia cancer cell models in suspension without significantly damaging healthy immune or red blood cells. Mechanistic experiments reveal that the formation of acoustic standing waves and the emergence of cell-seeded cavitation lead to cytoskeletal disruption, expression of apoptotic markers, and cell death. The inherent selectivity of this low intensity pulsed ultrasound approach offers a potentially safer and thus more broadly applicable alternative to non-selective high intensity ultrasound ablation.

Anthony Holland’s Magic Frequency

Heart Disease: Causes and Prevention

There a many types of cardiovascular disease (see Medical News Today):

Congenital heart disease


Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat.

Coronary artery disease

The coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with nutrients and oxygen by circulating blood. Coronary arteries can become diseased or damaged, usually because of plaque deposits that contain cholesterol.

Dilated cardiomyopathy

This is also known as a heart attack, cardiac infarction, and coronary thrombosis. An interrupted blood flow damages or destroys part of the heart muscle.

Heart failure

Also known as congestive heart failure, heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump blood around the body efficiently.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

This is a genetic disorder in which the wall of the left ventricle thickens, making it harder for blood to be pumped out of the heart.

Mitral regurgitation

Also known as mitral valve regurgitation, mitral insufficiency, or mitral incompetence, this occurs when the mitral valve in the heart does not close tightly enough.

Mitral valve prolapse

The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle does not fully close, it bulges upwards, or back into the atrium.

Pulmonary stenosis

It becomes hard for the heart to pump blood from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery because the pulmonary valve is too tight.

There appear to be two primary causes, other than genetic disorder, for all categories of heart disease.

  1. Diseases related to heart function appear to be caused by infection of the heart, primarily with the same organism that causes cancer. This organism can be clearly seen in an Ergonom 700 microscope that magnifies 25000x. Frequencies for elimination of this organism are documented on this site.
  2. Diseases related to clogging of the arteries are primary the result of nanobacteria. CT scan calcium scores indicate level of arterial obstruction. Nanobacteria form calcium shells which block the arteries. A strategy for reducing calcium scores on a CT scan by 87.5% is documented on this site.

In 2016, 32.3% of deaths were caused by heart disease and 16.3% of deaths were caused by cancer. We estimate that 80% of these deaths could be prevented with frequencies.

Today there are clinical trials using frequency devices, many government approved frequency tools, and thousands of research papers published in PubMed. Eventually health care providers will start bringing these tools into their practice.

Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields

Br J Cancer. 2011 Aug 23; 105(5): 640–648.Published online 2011 Aug 9. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.292 PMCID: PMC3188936PMID: 21829195G



Therapeutic options for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are limited. There is emerging evidence that the growth of cancer cells may be altered by very low levels of electromagnetic fields modulated at specific frequencies.


A single-group, open-label, phase I/II study was performed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the intrabuccal administration of very low levels of electromagnetic fields amplitude modulated at HCC-specific frequencies in 41 patients with advanced HCC and limited therapeutic options. Three-daily 60-min outpatient treatments were administered until disease progression or death. Imaging studies were performed every 8 weeks. The primary efficacy end point was progression-free survival ⩾6 months. Secondary efficacy end points were progression-free survival and overall survival.


Treatment was well tolerated and there were no NCI grade 2, 3 or 4 toxicities. In all, 14 patients (34.1%) had stable disease for more than 6 months. Median progression-free survival was 4.4 months (95% CI 2.1–5.3) and median overall survival was 6.7 months (95% CI 3.0–10.2). There were three partial and one near complete responses.


Treatment with intrabuccally administered amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields is safe, well tolerated, and shows evidence of antitumour effects in patients with advanced HCC. Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, phase II study, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, tumour-specific modulation frequencies, 27.12 MHz

This study is of interest because there is now an approved medical device for frequency treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma based on this research.