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Frequency Foundation

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Combating COVID Flu and ACIRD in Humans and Pets: Frequency Research Foundation’s Approach

At the Frequency Research Foundation, our commitment to addressing global health crises has led us to a significant discovery in the fight against COVID flu. Not only have we identified the complex nature of multiple COVID flu strains circulating globally, but we have also recognized their impact across species, including a notable strain known as ACIRD in dogs. This understanding has propelled our efforts to develop remote, non-invasive technologies aimed at combating these infections in humans, animals, and even the spaces we inhabit.

Understanding the Multi-Faceted Nature of COVID Flu

COVID flu complexes identified by Frequency Research Foundation exhibit intricate and varied pathogenic profiles, spread through airborne parasites. Unlike traditional flu strains that target individuals, the February 2023 COVID flu can infiltrate entire ecosystems, infecting canines with ACIRD and posing risks to human family members and their surroundings. This flu spreads through multiple strains of the ancylostoma parasite in aerosol form, persisting not only within lung tissues but also on surfaces and within building ventilation systems.

Our Comprehensive Treatment Approach

Given the extensive nature of these infections, a comprehensive treatment approach is essential. Frequency Research Foundation has taken a significant step by offering a set of frequencies designed to combat the February 2023 COVID flu, now available for free to the public. These frequencies are intended for use in treating individuals, animals afflicted with ACIRD, and sanitizing the spaces they occupy. This holistic approach recognizes the interconnectedness of human and animal health with their living environments.

The Urgency of Environmental Decontamination

The revelation that the February 2023 COVID flu can infiltrate buildings underscores the critical need for environmental decontamination. The Foundation’s initiative to provide frequencies for building treatment is crucial in curbing the disease’s spread. By addressing the infectious threat at all levels – personal, animal, and environmental – we can hope to mitigate the impact of the COVID flu and protect entire communities.

Moving Forward with Frequency-Based Health Innovations

The discovery of multiple circulating COVID flu strains emphasizes the need for ongoing vigilance and innovation in health sciences. Frequency Research Foundation’s efforts represent a vital resource in addressing this global health challenge. As we confront the realities of the COVID flu, the Foundation’s work becomes increasingly crucial. By leveraging frequencies to treat the complex web of pathogens associated with the COVID flu, we open the door to more effective health solutions for our interconnected world.

Navigating the Persistent Waves of COVID Flu: Insights from Frequency Research Foundation

Upadate: The COVID Flu from Feb 2023 has evolved into a full blown syndrome affecting dogs (ACRID) as well as people and buildings. Circulating for more than a year now it is very infectious and persistent. Multiple researches have helped to expand its already large frequency set by identifying new organisms DNA sequenced in government databases.

As 2023 unfolded, we at the Frequency Research Foundation witnessed a recurring global health challenge – the COVID flu. Our extensive client base, spread across the globe, becomes a real-time map tracing the rapid spread of flu viruses. Unlike seasonal flus, the COVID flus of 2023, robust and persistent, are not bound by weather or season. They bring with them a cocktail of pathogens – flu viruses, multiple strains of COVID, and a variety of parasites, bacteria, fungi, and even mycoplasma.

A Year-Long Battle Against a Formidable Foe

Our encounters with these flus have shown that they are not fleeting; they linger for weeks, sometimes months. In one extraordinary case, we observed flu symptoms persisting for a full year until frequencies successfully eliminated them. This enduring presence challenges the conventional understanding of flu and its treatment.

Unlocking the Secret of Stubborn Flus

Twenty years of research have shed light on the tenacious nature of flu. Frequencies, with their inherent precision and reliability, have revealed that it’s not just a single virus at play. We’ve discovered that an airborne parasite, alarmingly infectious, is the vector transporting these pathogens. This large parasite has the unique ability to infect people, animals, and even buildings.

The Swine Flu epidemic was a stark manifestation of this phenomenon, with airports becoming super-spreaders. Since standard flu treatments target only the virus, the actual flu persists until the parasitic vectors die naturally – which takes much longer than anticipated.

A Proactive Approach to a Global Health Menace

When someone approaches us with flu symptoms, our priority is to identify all associated organisms. As we treat more cases, our database grows, leading to a more comprehensive set of frequencies that can potentially conquer the flu in mere days.

Boiron’s Oscillicoccinum 200, a homeopathic remedy, has proven to be an effective adjunct, facilitating the rapid elimination of flu organisms when combined with our frequency treatments at the onset of symptoms.

The Pervasive Threat of COVID Flus

The COVID flus stand out in their infectiousness. Simple activities, like a visit to Starbucks or a routine medical checkup, can result in multiple reinfections. Recognizing the public health crisis at hand, we’ve decided to release these frequencies free of charge to support experienced Rife practitioners. For those who are new to this, our Photoanalysis Remote Rife Clinic stands ready to assist you, your animals, and even sanitize your living spaces from the COVID flu, with the goal of achieving this ideally within a day, barring complications from co-infections.

Masking Up: A Double-Edged Sword

Our research indicates that while masks might not be the ultimate barrier against viruses due to their minuscule size, they do offer protection against the larger organisms responsible for spreading the flu. Data from the period of 2020-2022 align with our findings, as mask-wearing did not significantly impact the spread of COVID but did contribute to a substantial decline in traditional flu cases.


As we continue to navigate the waves of the COVID flu, the Frequency Research Foundation remains dedicated to providing innovative solutions that are validated by two decades of unwavering research. We urge the scientific community to examine our work with an open mind and welcome the opportunity to collaborate in advancing the understanding of frequency-based therapies.

Omicron: SARS-CoV-2 South Africa Variant

Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern

26 November 2021 by WHO.INT

The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) is an independent group of experts that periodically monitors and evaluates the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and assesses if specific mutations and combinations of mutations alter the behaviour of the virus. The TAG-VE was convened on 26 November 2021 to assess the SARS-CoV-2 variant: B.1.1.529.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other VOCs. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa. Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant.


The Frequency Research Foundation has identified the frequency set below which appears to be the primary strain. It is released under the Creative Commons open source license. Updates and additional strains to be identified will be posted here.

#SARS-CoV-2 Omicron South Africa variant
#copyright 2005-2021 Frequency Research Foundation, USA. Offered for license under the Attribution
#Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at
#and also described in summary form at By utilizing
#these frequencies you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms
#of the Attribution ShareAlike license of Creative Commons.
repeat 4 #more repeats will be needed as this is for DMI/SG2 systems with DNG photos
dwell 90
program c
vbackfreq a 0.049787068 0 71.5
vbackfreq b 0.090909090 0 71.5

#SARS-CoV-2 b.1.1.529 20211127
#responsive to ivermectin disruptor frequencies
fuzz .002% 2
55454545 46766767 34545454 24545454 20667676
19676767 18454545 17676767 16454545 15454545 14676767 13454545 12454545 11454545
10445454 9676767 8454545 7445454 6676767 5454545 4454545 3454545 2454545 1454545
fuzz .044% 1
967676 854454 745454 684545 667676 554545 465454 445454 343467 245454 145454 96764 86766 75454
fuzz .044% .2
66767 54545 44545 35454 26767 14545 9445 8454 7676 6454 5467 4454 3667 2454 1676
fuzz .044% .1
945 845 745 645 544 445 367 267 122 40
goto end

label end
end repeat