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Jeff Sutherland

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Orion Retrovirus – Version 4.5

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Orion Retrovirus – Version 4.5

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Note: Periodically, this series will need to be rerun as reinfection from other people and animals is ongoing.

These viruses will steal your dreams, particularly when they are combined with flouride in your brain. You will have flouride deposits building up in the pituitary gland and elsewhere even if you live in a country that has not banned flouridation. Even then you will have to avoid toothpaste and mineral water which indicate flouride contamination on the label.

Multiple researchers observed that with the orion viruses cleared, dreams are vivid and remembered upon awaking. At first this is unsettling. After a while, they were disappointed in their dreams for being unorganized, characters coming and going, upsetting for petty emotional issues and so forth. Their conclusion was that we need to take charge of our dream lives and help them be more focused, more positive, more useful, and more educational. In addition, when dreams become less vivid or memorable, it is a strong indicator of orion retrovirus reinfection. Conclusion: our dream life is disorganized because we don’t realize what is going on when higher brain function is disabled with these viruses.

See The Philadelphia Experiment Murder by Alexandra Bruce.

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