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Jeff Sutherland

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Borrelia Burgdorferi – Version 2.5

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Borrelia Burgdorferi – Version 2.5

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The conventional view of lyme disease is that it is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi and with a few months of antibiotics you are cured.If that were true there would not be so many chronic lyme disease patients. Those who have a serious interest in this disease should read Lab 257 which thoroughly documents the many years of government violation of EPA safety standards at the weapons lab that generated this problem. An even more detailed analysis of biowarfare research can be found in the recent book, Bitten.
Nevertheless, this bacteria is the most immediately crippling of the lyme complex. It should be eliminated first. As with all lyme organisms, there needs to be repeated checkups to make sure it is completely gone for at least six months. Reinfection with lyme is now becoming increasingly common as many of the flying insects (in addition to ticks) in infested areas now carry some or all of the many hundreds of lyme organisms, including Borrelia Burgdorferi.
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